Wellness Wellness 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Alcohol

10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Alcohol

10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Alcohol post thumbnail image

The benefits of alcohol are numerous with controlled consumption.

People have used alcohol in one or another form as per their requirement and recommendation by the doctors.

Studies suggest that there are numerous benefits of moderate drinking of alcohol.

Moderate drinking is known as one or two drinks containing either 1.5 oz/ 45 ml of alcohol, 5 oz/ 150 ml of wine, or 12 oz/ 335 ml of beer.

Alcohol - Ingredients

Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol) is the main ingredient of alcoholic beverages. Yeast fermentation of starch and sugar is the process of making such beverages.

Moreover, starchy foods such as grains, honey, and grapes may be used for making alcohol which can easily be fermented.

Here are 10 evidence-based health benefits of alcohol.

1. Moderate Alcohol is Best for Healthy Heart

A study found that drinking small amounts of alcohol, especially red wine and vodka, have cardiovascular benefits. Due to antioxidant properties, red wine may increase the protection of the heart.

Alcohol reduces the risk of heart attack, as it lowers the harmful effects of elevated blood cholesterol. It also prevents the formation of the clot.

Moreover, moderate drinking may increase the levels of protective cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein).

Benefits of alcohol, foster mood, cuts heart diseases and improve appetite.
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2. Benefits of Alcohol - Protects the Brain

Research reveals that lower to moderate drinking of alcohol has positive effects on the hippocampus, an area of the brain that is censorious to functions such as memory, learning, and emotions.

Alcohol appears to offer several brain-related benefits.

The moderate drinkers are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia, an age-related decline in mental ability.

However, it helps to thin the blood and prevent clotting in the brain.

In addition to it, it helps to release acetylcholine, a brain chemical involved in memory and learning.

3. Wine Foster a Happy Mood

Benefits of alcohol, foster mood, cuts heart diseases and improve appetite.
Photo Credit @ Canva

Red and white wines have stress-relieving properties and also helps to foster a happy mood.

A study found that a limited intake of alcohol boosts happiness, pleasure, euphoria, and carefree feelings.

Moderate and regular intake of wine with healthy meals helps to keep your emotions and spirit healthy.

Vitamins and minerals in wine also aid in relief from stress and depression.

4. Alcohol Improves Appetite

Slight and moderate drinking of alcohol helps to improve appetite and digestion.

Generally, appetite is controlled by two points in the brain: one is the hypothalamus, which stimulates the release of hunger-producing hormones; the other is the cerebral cortex, which controls sensory and intellectual function. 

Alcohol helps to control both the centers in the brain.

Thus, drinking a glass of wine or beer may increase your appetite.

5. Moderate Consumption of Alcohol Aid Digestion

Moderate consumption of alcohol helps to aid digestion.

Digestion refers to the overall process by which food is broken down, easily absorbed into the bloodstream, and delivered to cells.

In addition to alcohol, fresh fruits, vegetables, whole-grain products, and six to eight glasses of water helps to improve the digestion process.

6. Boost your Sex Life

Improve desire, sex life arousal, sexual performance, and satisfaction.
Photo credit @ Canva

The study found a modest negative association between alcohol consumption and Erectile Dysfunction.

The ingredients found in alcohol helps to improve desire, arousal, sexual performance, and satisfaction.

Moderate intake has numerous benefits of alcohol.

Red and white wine has mood fostering properties and also helps to remove stress and relax the body.

7. Benefits of Alcohol - Improve Your Social Life

University of Pittsburgh researchers found that slight consumption of amounts of alcohol in a social gathering may enhance social bonding and positive emotions among the group members.

Moreover, emotions involved in social gatherings have a positive impact on drinkers than consuming alcohol in isolation. However, it helps to relieve negative emotions.

8. Lower Kidney Stones Risk

Many opinions and reports of CJASN found that consumption of fluid such as coffee, tea, beer, wine, and orange juice is associated with a lower risk of stones.

Moderate and regular intake of wine with healthy meals helps to improve digestion and a healthy immune system.

9. Strengthen your Bones

The study shows that limited consumption of alcohol especially beer may beneficial to bone health.

The high content of silicon in the beer is the main reason for a strong association between the intake of alcoholic beverages and bone mineral density (BMD).

Many opinions and reports of CJASN found that consumption of fluid such as coffee, tea, beer, wine, and orange juice is associated with a lower risk of stones.

10. Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

The 10-year study of the National Institute for Public Health and Environment shows that moderate drinking of alcohol followed by a healthy lifestyle decreases the chances of Type 2 diabetes up to 40 percent as compared to non-drinkers.

Limited drinking of beer, the balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat at each meal is a powerful preventive medicine for diabetes.

Negatives Effects of Overconsumption of Alcohol

Despite several benefits of alcohol with moderate drinking as per the health guidelines issued by Government authorities, there are various negative effects on overconsumption of it. It includes:

  • May cause stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver and heart disorder
  • May provoke mood swings
  • Aggression
  • Hangover
  • May increase the risk of cancer 
  • Addiction
  • Alcoholism
  • May trigger allergies
  • Defect in delivery of pregnant women

Some More Digestives of the Alcohol

Alcohol contains 07 calories per gram, compared with 04 calories per gram of protein or carbohydrate and 09 calories per gram of fat.

Some wines contain iron, potassium, and beer contains a modest amount of niacin, folate, vitamin B6, and some minerals.

In conclusion, no more than two drinks daily. The benefits of alcohol are impressive in the case of moderate consumption. However, overconsumption may seriously raise the risk of health issues, such as high blood pressure, cardiac risk, liver problem, and several kinds of cancer, including pancreas, liver, and mouth.

In addition to it, overconsumption diminishes the benefits of alcohol and turned into an addiction.

In short, the risk increases with the amount of alcohol consumption.

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