Wellness Wellness Save Water – 10 Unique Ways

Save Water – 10 Unique Ways

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Why there is a need to save water? After air, water is the most important element in all forms of life. Even though, it does not have any nutrient quality. According to the research, the Human body consists of more than 60% of water, and even in some organisms, 90% of their body weight is of water. As a result, water is essential for the survival of living beings. At present, water conservation is a serious issue for taking its benefits to the present as well as future generations.

Let’s contribute towards the preservation of precious drops of water.

1. Don’t Let The Tap Run While Washing Your Hands – Save Water

First of all, wet your hands with a small amount of water, rub them properly with hand wash or soap as per the guidelines issued by WHO in this crisis of COVID-19, then on the tap and rinse them properly. Even a small initiative can save gallons of water a day.

water while washing hand

2. Optimum Use Of Automatic Machines While Washing Cloths And Utensils

Every time you run automatic machines for cleaning cloths or utensils, start only when these are fully loaded. About 20 gallons of water is required in the automatic process. If you have very few items in a day, then clean them with your hands or manually.

3. Save Water by Using Watering Sprinkler Can & Spray Bottle For Gardening

Water your garden area with a sprinkler can and small plants with a small spray bottle. This habit will help you to save waste water. Don’t water your garden to utilize your leisure time, first identify the requirement then only schedule your time. As you know, plants are already moist in the morning and night which reduces the need for watering.

Save water while watering

4. Plant Drought-Resistance Plants

Choose drought-resistant plants for the garden these can live long with regular watering and low maintenance. There are large varieties from everlasting succulents like mescal agave, truly beautiful flowers like rock rose and lavender to climbing vines such as climbing hydrangea and bougainvillea. These are evergreen, long-lasting, drought-tolerant, and also make a statement in your garden. You may surround them with pebbles and mulch to enrich, moist, and insulate the plants.

5. Take Water In a Cup While Shaving & Brush Your Teeth

Every time you shave or brush your teeth, you flush away two to three gallons of water unconsciously. Accordingly, use a separate mug for shaving to clean your razor and face, and before brushing, wet your brush first and fill a glass of water for rinsing your mouth. These small steps will help you to save gallons of water in a day for environmental wellness.

shaving and brushing your teeth

6. Minimise The Use Of Hose Pipe At Home

Researches show that using a hose pipe at home wastes hundreds of gallons of water. No doubt, the use of a hose to clean steps, vehicles, walking area or watering lawn and garden make your work easier but it is merely a waste of highly valuable natural resources of the earth. Use a bucket or wastewater RO for cleaning works at home.

Usually, children enjoy playing with a hose on the lawn which should be discouraged to save precious water. Use a broom for cleaning the dry areas, a sponge of soapy water to clean the vehicle, sprinkler to water the lawn.

7. Fix All Leakages At Your Home – Save Water

A small leakage can waste gallons of water a day. Visit charges of the plumber are not more expensive than extremely valuable drops of water. Check periodically all faucets and pipes in your home, if you find any leakage repair it immediately to avoid damage to your building as well as to the environment.

8. Efficient Use Of Water In Bathrooms, Toilets, and Kitchen to Save Water

The shower in the bathroom, toilet tank in the toilet, and dishwasher in the kitchen are three highly prone areas to water wastage. Everyone has to use water efficiently and effectively to save gallons of water.

The following are the few steps to safe wastage of water in the bathroom, toilets, and kitchen:-

In Bathroom to Save Water

  • Fix the limit of the shower, not more than 15 minutes of a complete shower bath.
  • Use a bucket instead of running water.
  • Limit the use of bathtubs, preferably once a month.

In toilets

  • Minimal use of toilet tanks, don’t flush them when you use the toilet as a urinal, and clean it with a toilet water bucket. 
  • You can minimize the water storage capacity of the tank with the help of a plumber.

In the kitchen – Save Water

  • Rinse vegetables, rice, and pulses in a bowl rather than under running water.
  • Clean utensils with dishwasher only when fully loaded.

9. Utilize Wastewater From RO Purifier For Gardening Or Cleaning Utensils to Save Water

An average RO purifier wastes approximately 75% of the water in its purification process. That means only 01 liters of water is purified and 03 liters of water come out as waste. The best way to save water is to drop your wastewater pipe in a bucket or a big tank. There are several uses of wastewater if you are willing to utilize it. The few are as under:-

  • Gardening and lawn watering
  • Washing purposes such as vehicles, clothes, and utensils.
  • Flushing in toilets
  • Shaving and brushing your teeth, etc.
Save water

10. Use a Bottle Or Glass for Drinking Water

While drinking water, take it in a glass or bottle, as per your requirement to avoid waste of water from running the tap. This practice will also help you to calculate your daily consumption of water and remain hydrated throughout the day.

In conclusion, the above easy water-saving tips will help you to contribute to saving the earth and its natural resources. I promise you, when you start practicing said steps at home, you will find new creative ideas for reusing and conserving water in your daily life. It will help to conserve valuable natural wealth and improve environmental wellness.

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