Wellness Guru !! Wellness 51 Inspiring Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

51 Inspiring Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

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Read here best quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani for overall wellness.

Shivani Verma was born on May 31, 1972. She is better known as BK Shivani, Brahma Kumari Shivani, or Sister Shivani.

She is one of the prominent teachers in the spiritual movement in India.

Initially, the Brahma Kumaris are known as Om Mandal.

It is a spiritual movement that started in Hyderabad, Sindh, during the 1930s. In Sanskrit, the Brahma Kumaris are known as the “Daughters of Brahma”.

The movement was initially founded by Lekhraj Khubchand Kripalani who is also known in the group as Om Baba.

Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani are very motivational and inspirational for the people.

Here, we are sharing with you a collection of Quotes of Brahma kumari Shivani which will help you to achieve peace and success in life.

Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

Focus on doable things, stay away from negative gossip.

– Shivani

Cleanse your mind every hour during the day and before going to bed for a peaceful sleep.

– Brahma Kumari

Remind yourself that as a power being, You should take care of your mind with doable solutions.

– Shivani

A mindset of abundance lets you be more and do more.

Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

Control your thoughts and eliminate thoughts of comparison or competition.

– Shivani

Focus on your goals and hone your abilities to reach them.

– Shivani

A peaceful mind creates a healthy and energetic body.

– Shivani

Get rid of toxic thoughts about yourself, other people, or the past.

– Shivani

Clear the blockages in mind and body through meditation.

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Taking out time to recharge yourself is a form of self love.

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

Read More Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Develop new ways of thinking, as thoughts are the basis of all words and action in life.

Step away from your tasks for a while. The energy boost you receive makes you more effective.

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

Instead of focusing on the hurt. focus on giving them the love they deserve.

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Do you really need to compete with someone? Strive to get better than your present self.

– Shivani

Co-operation should be the goal, not competition.

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Just be the best at what you can do.

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Right thoughts are created when your mind is peaceful and filled with wisdom.

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari

The starting point of all achievements is desire.

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Every transformation begins with an intense want to change. How deep is your want?

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari

Health is not just what you are eating and doing. It’s also about what you are thinking and saying.

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Let go of all the physical and emotional dis-ease.

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari

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Stay Here For More Quotes of Shivani

– Quotes of B K Shivani

Visualise the issue from different perspectives to increase creative thinking. Remind yourself that you are as creative as anyone else.

Arrogance diminishes wisdom and being assertive build it up.

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari

You can be a good person with a kind spirit and tell people exactly what is on your mind.

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Arrogance is used by the weak, while assertiveness and kindness are the characteristics of the strong.

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari

Your mind will believe whatever you tell it. Feed it faith.

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Do things you fear with faith, and fear will lose its hold over you.

– Shivani

Let your faith be bigger than your fear.

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Always behave a little better than essential.

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari

Treat people with courtesy and kindness. Respect them all, offer regard for their role.

– Quotes of B K Shivani

Be helpful, humble and respectful. And always smile.

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari

happiness quotes

You Are At Right Place For Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

If you take control of your habits, you take control of your life.

You cannot control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes inside.

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari

Become the master of your own thoughts and senses.

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Complete control over your senses is a true victory

– Quotes of Shivani

Nourish your body with healthy thoughts and healthy choices.

– Quotes of Shivani

Develop new ways of thinking, as thoughts are the basis of all words and actions in life.

– Quotes of Shivani

Right thoughts are created when your mind is peaceful and filled with wisdom.

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari

Visualise the issue from different perspectives to increase creative thinking.

– Shivani

A positive shift in your daily habits has the power to change your life.

– Shivani

There is nothing that you can’t do if you get the habits right.

Quotes of Brahma Kumari

Quotes of the BK Shivani

Read More Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

There is nothing that you can’t do if you get the habits right.

If you take control of your habits, you take control of your life.

– Quotes of Shivani

Do you really need to complete with someone? Strive to get better than your present self.

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari

Co-operation should be the goal, not competition.

– Brahma Kumari Shivani

Just be the best at what you can do.

– Quotes of B K Shivani

Commit to some personal time away from technology.

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari

Technology should improve your life, not become your life.

– Quotes of Shivani

It’s time to interact with people off-line.

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari

Drop the toxic habits of comparison and competition.

– Shivani

Co-operation is always more powerful than competition. And, in order to co-operate we need to be selfless.

– Shivani

Great success always requires co-operation of great minds.

Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

– Quotes of Brahma Kumari Shivani

Cultivate the desire to change and be the most productive version of yourself.

Happiness quotes

She shares her wisdom and insights through various platforms, including television programs, public talks, online courses, and YouTube videos.

Her teachings often focus on topics such as self-empowerment, emotional well-being, relationships, stress management, and spiritual awakening.

With her calm and composed demeanor, Sister Shivani has gained a significant following worldwide. Her messages emphasize the importance of harnessing one’s thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to create a positive and fulfilling life. 

She inspires individuals to take personal responsibility for their happiness, peace, and overall well-being.

It teaches you to treat everyone with love, affection, and believe in God.

Affirmation Of Brahman Kumari Shivam

  • Let your well-being encompass your physical, emotional, spiritual, and social health.
  • Live by your values, manage emotions, enjoy health and maintain happy relations.
  • Remember to balance the four pillars. Imbalance in one can affect your health and happiness.
  • Co-operation should be the goal, not competition.
  • A strong mind turns problems into opportunities by re-framing them.
  • Step back from the problem to see the larger picture and you will have better vision, always.
  • Then, implement your solution most diligently. You will succeed.
  • Acknowledge your mistake when you act on impulse.
  • Remember, not to get caught up in spontaneous reactions today. Pause. Choose a response.
  • Don’t react in your mind. Visualise the right way of doing things. 

Meditation – Brahma Kumari Shivani

Brahma Kumaris teaches us that meditation is the inward journey and self-discovery journey. They added meditation is also known as re-discovery.

Brahma Kumaris gives importance to Raja Yoga meditation.

Raja Yoga Meditation

Raja Yoga meditation is a form of meditation that is not bounded with rituals or mantras and can be performed anywhere and at any time.

Raja Yoga meditation is practiced with ‘open eyes’ which helps to improve consciousness, and spiritual empowerment. 

The entire process of Raja Yoga meditation helps to live harmony, happier life, healthier relationships, and balanced life.

Read more quotes for wellness and well-being.

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