Wellness Wellness Coronavirus – How To Remain Healthy In The Crisis

Coronavirus – How To Remain Healthy In The Crisis

Coronavirus – How To Remain Healthy In The Crisis post thumbnail image

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a virus which is named Coronavirus. Healthy people experience mild respiratory illness which is being recovered with simple precautionary measures without any particular treatment. 

However, people with some medical background or issues are facing serious illness that requires proper medical treatment and observation.

No doubt, at this crucial time we have to follow the guidelines issued by WHO and various medical authorities to fight such a pandemic virus till the development of the vaccine. The following are the few steps to remain healthy during COVID-19:-

Know The Facts About The Disease

First of all, know the facts, spread, precautions, and latest information on COVID-19 from authentic resources such as the WHO website or through your national public health authorities.

It is well said by Sun Tzu that “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles”.

Therefore, it is important to know the disease first, then prepare yourself according to it. It will reduce the chances of being infected or spreading of coronavirus by taking some small precautionary steps.

Here, I want to share a short video on 5 facts about the coronavirus.

  • What is Coronavirus?
  • Its infection?
  • Signs and symptoms of the disease?
  • Prevention to spread of COVID-19?
  • Myths of the virus?

Take Healthy Diet

Next to precautions against the disease, is maintaining good physical, and mental health and well-being. To maintain good health and a strong immune system the most important is a balanced diet. A balanced diet includes fruits, vegetables, whole cereals,  healthy fat, beans, juices, and nuts. It helps to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, high blood pressure, diabetes, overweight, stress, depression many more.

A diet rich in vitamin C helps to maintain a healthy immune system, remove impurities from the body as well as stabilize the mood. A healthy diet plan improves the strength to fight against the disease.

A healthy diet is not merely full of proteins, minerals, and vitamins, it also limits the intake of junk & processed food, and added sugar products.

So, make a healthy diet plan full of nutrients, and divide it into short meals with specific time intervals to enhance your mood and behavior in such a panic situation of the virus.

Regular Physical Activities

Physical activities have a border concept, it includes planned, repetitive physical workout, games, and sports in addition to unplanned, random, and non-purposeful bodily movements such as walking, sitting and lying, etc. WHO recommended at least 25 minutes a day of moderate physical activities for a healthy cardiovascular system, muscles, joints, and bones.

Spare time for yourself, preferably for outdoor activities, you may choose an open area in any corner of your home such as a balcony or terrace, etc. During the breakout, many fitness trainers are offering online classes for various physical activities such as aerobic, anaerobic, and muscle-strengthening. 

You require to pay a nominal course fee, a good speed internet connection, very little equipment and above all will to learn.

Sound Sleep

During this lockdown period of pandemic, a large no of people are struggling with the disease of Insomnia. The most common causes are due to emotional issues such as stress, depression and anxiety apart from your daily and physical activities.

Follow healthy habits throughout the day as well as before bed to enjoy a sound sleep, such as:-

  • Solve your emotional and psychological issues before bed.
  • Do stretching exercises during the day.
  • Practice Yoga and Pranayam for strong mental health.
  • Take healthy and nutritious food throughout the day.
  • Avoid short naps during the day.
  • Avoid heavy, oily, and spicy food at dinner.
  • Don’t drink much water before bed.

Social Connectivity And Interaction

Mental health played an important role that how you think, feel, and respond in day-to-day life. Social interaction and connectivity boost mental awareness by eliminating stress and anxiety.

In this period of lockdown, it is not possible to organize an in-person party or gathering. However, each physical interaction is not praiseworthy or meaningful. So you may organize a party, dinner, or group chatting through video calling or online apps like Whatsapp and Zoom, etc with your best friends, colleagues, or family members.

You may consider it as being connected online and being social with distance.

Self-engagement In Learning New Things At Home

While it might seem that everyone on the NEWS, social media, and different channels on Youtube, etc is talking about one issue only. It encourages panic situation in society and isolation among its residents. So, take a break from these rumor series, and follow the instructions of WHO and national public health authorities.

Engage yourself in learning new things at home like cooking, art, craftworks, playing instruments, etc. Everyone is blessed with some special quality in this world, So share and learn more with your family, friends, and neighbors. 

You have to chase it as an opportunity to be closer and known to them.

Yoga And Pranayama for Inner Health

Yoga and pranayam played a significant role in boosting your immunity as well as physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. The practice of 30 minutes daily will provide eternal benefits like calmness of mind, eliminating stress, fatigue, and resilience to fight diseases.

It helps to achieve peace of mind which played an important role in to fight against such a fearful situation of coronavirus. Further, it works as relaxing and lowering down the stress, depression, and anxiety of your body and mind.

It is the best time to know and improve yourself. 

At last, I want to share a video on coronavirus, and watch it with your family, children, and friends. Stay home and stay safe. 

In conclusion, stay home, stay safe and healthy, follow the instructions and guidelines of WHO and national public health authorities.

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