Wellness Wellness How to Deal with Stress at Work

How to Deal with Stress at Work

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Stress at work is unpleasant feelings caused by unfavorable or adverse conditions at the workplace which affect your physical and mental wellness.  

Research has indicated that occupational stress is a risk factor for the mental health and overall well-being of employees.

There is a number of conditions associated with work pressure. Here, it may be divided into five parts to get it easier:

  • Management terms & practices
  • Job profile and demand
  • Workplace environment
  • Relationships with colleagues or management
  • Self-interest and fitness

A stress management approach will identify the lack of conditions at your workplace and fix them to make stress-free environments and the overall wellness of the entire team. A few ideas to deal with stress at work are:

Start Day with an Optimistic Approach To Remove Stress

The optimistic approach is the essence of the book “Possibility Thinking” by famous writer Robert Schuller. It means starting your day with the self-confidence to turn impossible situations into new possibilities and turn stress into strength.

When you wake up, ask the following questions to yourself:

  • What do you want to accomplish today?
  • What are the challenges or hurdles?
  • Spend a couple of minutes to design your optimistic approach.
  • Visualize yourself as having already achieved the target.

Then, spare time for yourself. Exercise daily, yoga, pranayama, meditation, or mind-relaxing exercises. Eat a healthy and nutritious diet.

No doubt, How busy or engaged you are? Just always be on time for your office. Optimistic people don’t waste energy on negative things. They try to find new possibilities out of difficult situations. The following tips will help you to wake up early and reach the office on time:

  • Invest in a noisy alarm clock that is perfect for making your mornings early. 
  • Place your things in order before sleep to avoid a hassle in the morning.
  • Sleep early to feel fresh in the morning.
  • Plan and divide all homely responsibilities among family members.
  • Start your journey from home well on time.

If you start your day with an optimistic approach, you might find that the stress of your job rolls off easily and boost feelings of joy and calmness. This approach will directly impact your mental health and overall wellness.

Organized Approach At Work To Combat Stress

Being organized is all about proper planning and a systematic approach to your practices, dealings, and commitments at your job. It helps to prevent burnout. There is a number of steps toward an organized approach at work, including:

Make a To-do list

Make a to-do list to prioritize things. Do this either at the beginning of the day or at the end of the day for the next working day. List them as per importance and by keeping in view the target time of their completion. Always follow the seniority of the task and put your best effort to complete them well on time. This practice helps you to prevent becoming overwhelmed at the workplace.

Set your own Targets

Fix the targets of competition of every work assigned to you for the day as well as the long term; weekly, monthly, and yearly. Every day put initiatives for improvement of the work or get it done by others in a better way.

Complete Things Perfectly

Do each and every task with at-most perfection. Give your best efforts to complete the task within the time frame.

Delegate the Work

If you are working in a team or as a team leader, delegate the responsibilities among your team as per their ability and interest. Moreover, this will help to achieve the targets well on time and also inculcate the sense of team members among the employees. Remember no one is superman to multitask.

Maintain a Healthy Interpersonal Relationship

An interpersonal relationship is about a strong association among employees at the workplace to achieve a common objective of the organization. Good working relationships are proven a guard against stress. Above all, when you have a group of good friends and colleagues, you can share your personal or organizational challenges which relieves stress and also enhance focus on opportunities.

Few Tips to Maintain Good Relationships at Workplace

  • Appreciate the work of others at the workplace
  • Share issues and problems related to your job with colleagues
  • Always volunteer to help co-workers whenever it is required
  • Never jealous about the progress of others
  • Share an honest and trustworthy relationship
  • Stand for your colleagues

These few tips help you to create a stress-free space in the workplace. Likewise, a good relationship in a professional circle is essential for your success at the workplace and overall well-being.

If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress, and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.

George Burns

Take Small Breaks During Office Time

It is not possible to wipe out stress at work, but you can control it by applying relaxing tricks. Many people feel tired and fatigued after long hours of routine work. You can control the physical and mental effects of workplace stress by taking a break of a few minutes after every 3-4 hours of work. If you are doing work on a computer or a long sitting job, take a break for a short period and follow the tips mentioned below to combat stress:

  • Deep breathing
  • Eye relaxing exercises
  • A short walk into the office area
  • Listening to favorite music to get refreshed
  • Stretching exercises to avoid the strain on the body

This can help you to be more relaxed, lift your mood, and get more energetic throughout the day.

Differentiate the Official and Personal Responsibilities

Many people fail to identify official and personal responsibilities. You must balance between two pillars of a happy life. You have to remember that working too long is not always productive. Leave your office workload at the office and devote full time to your family after office hours. Help your spouse in cooking or spending time with children. Keeping yourself balanced makes you physically and mentally healthy as well as more efficient with your work.

An imbalance in official and personal responsibilities leads to depression, sleep disorder, anxiety, and stress.

To sum up, if you are still unable to deal with or combat workplace stress, you may need to change your job and definitely seek advice from a doctor or career mentor.

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