Republic Day Quotes, Sayings, and Messages

Read here Republic Day Quotes, Sayings, and Messages.

Republic Day is celebrated on 26th January as a national holiday in India. This day is to regard the historic sacrifices that led India to be an independent nation.

Every year on 26th January, the whole country comes together to celebrate Republic Day especially Educational institutions, Government organizations and private sectors proudly host the National Flag to mark this day.

In Delhi, a grand celebration that includes military parades and hoisting of the national flag at the national capital, New Delhi, at the Rajpath before the President of India.

At this celebration, the Prime Minister, President, and many dignitaries of various departments are present to tribute to India; its unity in diversity and rich cultural heritage

Republic Day Quotes

Republic Day Wishes

  • Freedom has come with the sacrifices of our freedom fighters, so let’s pledge to protect it. Wish you and Happy Republic Day!
  • With faith in our hearts and independence in our thoughts, let’s salute the Nation. Happy Republic Day
  • Tiranga, which we unfurl on Republic Day, indicates our freedom.

Republic Day Quotes

Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.

- Rabindranath Tagore

Every Indian should now forget that he is a Rajput, a Sikh or a Jat. He must remember that he is an Indian."

- Sardar Patel

Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it.

- Bal Gangadhar Tilak

The shots that hit me are the last nails to the coffin of British rule in India.

- Lala Lajpat Rai

You must be the change you want to see in the world.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Every Indian should now forget that he is a Rajput, a Sikh, or a Jat. He must remember that her is an Indian.

- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Freedom is not given, it is taken.

- Subhash Chandra Bose


Sayings On Republic Day

Latin transliteration of National Anthem

jana-gaṇa-mana-adhināẏaka jaẏa hē bhārata-bhāgya-bidhātā!
Pañjāba Sindhu Gujarāṭa Marāṭhā Drābiṛa Utkala Baṅga
Bindhya Himācala Yamunā Gaṅgā ucchala-jaladhi-taraṅga
taba śubha nāmē jāgē, taba śubha āśiṣa māgē,
gāhē taba jaẏagāthā.
jana-gaṇa-maṅgala-dāẏaka jaẏa hē bhārata-bhāgya-bidhātā!
jaẏa hē, jaẏa hē, jaẏa hē, jaẏa jaẏa jaẏa jaẏa hē.

English Translation by Rabindranath Tagore

Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people, dispenser of India’s destiny.

Thy name rouses the hearts of the Punjab, Sind, Gujarat and Maratha, of the Dravida, Orissa and Bengal.

It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas, mingles in the music of the Jamuna and Ganges and is chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea.

They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise.

The saving of all people waits in thy hand, thou dispenser of India’s destiny.

Victory, Victory, Victory to thee.

  • Empower women to empower the country.

  • Freedom is not freedom until it gives equal rights to all.

  • One religion, one caste, and one God for mankind.

  • Tiranga, which we unfurl on Republic Day, indicates our freedom.

  • Save the children, save the nation.

  • Opportunity is not an opportunity until it gives equivalent rights to all.

  • Freedom is my birthright and I shall have it.

  • Give me blood and I shall give you freedom

  • Jai Hind

  • Jai Jawan Jai Kisan