Wellness Recipes

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Wellness Recipes

Wellness recipes are highly nutritious and it is about maintaining a balance of vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and healthy fats. The healthy recipes are really about eating a RAINBOW diet, it means adding ingredients with different colors to your meals.

This is a perfect time to try simple but highly nutritious recipes to add to your diet to help you and your whole family a healthier living.


Soft, buttery, crunchy, and fruity flavor bread. Nutritious and quick meal recipes.


Fresh, sour, and bit sweet salads. Scrumptious side dish, try tortillas, bread, or sandwiches.


Tortillas are just like delicious chapatis, a twist on the salad & beans, quick and easy recipes for a delicious salad meal.


Easy soup recipes will energise as well as revitalise you with minimal time in the kitchen.


Delicious spaghetti recipes for healthy nutritious and quick meal.


Quick energy drinks to re-energise yourself.

Let's Try to Make Rainbow Recipes. Make Your Diet Plan Easy, Fun, and Nutritious.

The best doctors gives the least medicine

Raw Fruits

The list of raw fruits with nutrition information. FDA also encourages consumers to view the posters.


The list of vegetables with nutrition information. FDA also encourages consumers to view the posters.